
I woke up with a breakthrough!

After slogging and struggling with trying to see correlations in my data, I realised I have been going about this all wrong. The whole idea behind this project is interconnection, so allowing the divisions of nations to cause problems with displaying data is part of the problem. It makes considerably more sense to look at worldwide totals over a period of time to see if there are parallel degradations in human health and the natural environment. I was trying to see correlations by looking at just the current situation, but that was never going to show any decline, just what the most recent data shows; a static representation.

Of course, this would happen after I had submitted the thesis, but there is always time to improve on a digital artefact.

My latest data viz, before this breakthrough. Still not good enough.

Yet More Tableau Data Viz

More Data Viz

Tableau Data Visualisations


The issues with embedding from Tableau are annoying, and have been irritating me. I know how much time these things can suck out of the limited time-receptacle that contains thesis production, so I really want to fix this asap.

My feeling was that this is an issue of vs There is very little option for customisation of beyond the themes and options provided, and there is no facility to adjust CSS, without paying a fee, and frankly, if I’m going to pay for the privilege of tweaking the CSS I’d much rather pay for full hosting instead of just an add-on.

So, I decided to check it out by posting the embed code to my academic website, also WordPress, but hosted by Reclaim Hosting. It worked perfectly, fully embedded and interactive as it should be. Great. Ish.

Screenshot (247)

No silly arrow, no display issues, link here:

The question now is what to do? Do I just pay for hosting, or persevere with a less-than perfect product which fails to do one of the most basic things a website should do?

Data Collection

I now have all my data, and I have an awful lot of it. This isn’t even everything I’ve got:

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I’ve gathered nearly of my recent data from the World Bank website, it allows the option to download very specific pieces of data, and that function will save me a considerable amount of time. The data is already pretty clean too, which really helps. Now all I need to do is decide which data best expresses what I want to express, or see what patterns emerge.

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